Dear Rayfan

I hope this little gift will help you see what I see
in you and give you something to come back to whenever you’re feeling down

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I hope whatever I’m writing can help
repay you for everything you’ve done for me, even if it’s just a little bit.


Being insecure doesn’t fit you. Seeing you hurt makes my breath heavy. I want to help you. In my eyes, you’re the most handsome, charming man I’ve ever met in
my life.


You’re a boy full of wonders; you’re smart, caring, charming, funny, and
everything else I was looking for in a man. You’re the perfect match for me.
From the way you talk, from the way you approach me, your smile, your
eyes. I’m not sure I deserve all this. And I am sorry for my imperfections.


I find comfort in you, so much more than anything or anyone else. Not even
paltry pastimes like games or hobbies can even compare to the way that you
comfort me.
I am truly proud of your accomplishments for the past few years. You never fail to amaze me. You've done a great job.


We found each other at a very hard spot in our life. Where we’re
developing adolescents, coping with life together. I’m glad I did, however. I’m
insecure, emotional—unstable. Despite that, you chose to stay. You chose to stay
with me, even though most would have left.

I’m thankful I get to have the privilege of being in love with a boy as wonderful and handsome as you.


You’re handsome, charming, adorable—everything a girl could ever ask for. Your athletic frame and stature makes you look elegant and fit, like pottery;like pottery, you have curves and indents on which I can hold on to. So defined and slim
yet so firm for a boy your size. I like that, though I’m not a girl that will use you for your body.
Your face, though sweet and loving, looks like you’re planning to do something to me. A sinister, but, an even more sweet smile. A face so innocent, yet so conniving—you definitely know what I’m talking about. —yes, a face I’d keep cupped in my hands for as long as you’d let me.


Our relationship isn’t perfect. Still, I believe—I truly do—that our relationship is the closest to anything that would be considered perfect.Nothing in this world
could ever hold a light to the happiness and joy that your love has brought to me. I cannot thank you enough for loving me and staying with me.
I started longing for time with you like nothing I’ve ever wanted before, being with you is when I’m the happiest. I have never been this happy before, you’ve become such a big part of my life.Each time I look at your face it makes me weep out of joy. Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed by how much I love you. I feel like
this so often and it makes me happy.

I'll definitely miss you

I’m flawed. But even so, you still chose to accept me for who I am. You stuck through all the arguments we’ve had, you forgave me. I have to make it up to you someday okay? I really have to.I fell in love with you because of who you are, not what you are. Still, your exterior is as beautiful as your interior. I could never know how I managed to come across someone like you (ty sir indira). I am, truly, the luckiest girl I know.

I wish you the best sweet 17th

I think that's enough text. I'm not sure if you're not lazy enough to read all of that